Hello Friends,
Over the past couple of years we have worked hard for pandemic rental assistance. Thanks to your action, assistance was set up a couple of different times. However, on January 28, the current RentHelpMN program was suddenly closed because the needs were greater than the funding available.
So, here we are again, asking for Emergency Rental Assistance. Our state was in a deep affordable housing crisis before the pandemic that has only worsened in severity.
We need your action! Please email or call your senator and representative to support Pandemic Related Emergency Rental Assistance.
Thank you!
Tammy & Rachel
What should I say?
1) Introduce Yourself:
Name; Where You Live and/or Where You Go to Church (Make sure the legislators you contact correlate with the place you mention. Maybe your church is in a different district than where you live)
I'm Lutheran / I'm an advocate with Lutheran Advocacy-MN)
2) Main Message:
Please support $300 million for emergency rental assistance and additional funding to administer the program.
[For Senators] Please encourage your Senate Housing Committee colleagues and your Senate leadership to ensure it gets the attention needed.
[For House Representatives] I'm glad it passed the Housing Committee, but please make sure it gets heard and passed through the whole House process. Please encourage your House leaders to give it the attention needed.
3) Additional Talking Points (choose from the following or share your own - Use your own words):
RentHelpMN closed on January 28 with only a few days' notice
Thousands still qualify for and need this pandemic-related assistance
Most eligible applicants currently work at least one or two jobs
Some eligible applicants have had sporadic employment earlier in the pandemic and still owe back rent
Many Minnesotans are making too little to cover full rent for their households, along with food, childcare, and other household costs, especially with inflation.
Without continued funding, many Minnesotans face displacement, eviction, and even homelessness
God calls on us to protect those who are most vulnerable
[Talk about what motivates you to call or email. Why do you care?]
As always, thanks so very much for your action! Tammy & Rachel