Lutheran Advocacy—Minnesota
Campaigns & Action Alerts
State Action
URGENT ACTION ALERT: Electronic Waste (Senate Committee Hearing)
Download the Full Action Alert:
Download the Background & Talking Points:
The Senate Environment, Climate, & Legacy Committee will be hearing SF 3940, the 100% Electronic Waste Recycling Bill on Tuesday, March 4.
Action: Call or email your senator before 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 5, 2024 with the "Main Message" below. (Free Tuesday? Come to the E-Waste hearing, in addition to contacting your senator. It will be Tuesday, 3:00 p.m., Room 1150, Minnesota Senate Building) Who is my state senator & what is their contact information (phone & email or link to “mail form”)?
Main Message: Please support AND urge your Senate colleagues on the Environment & Climate Committee to support SF 3940 to
Expand the definition of e-waste in Minnesota law
Provide for statewide free e-waste drop-off
Incentivize e-waste collection, recycling, and refurbishing
Talking Points & Background: See this document Fact Sheet & Bill Supporters:
Lenten Letter Challenge (2024): We need you – your congregation, campus, youth group, confirmation class, WELCA group, church committee, or whatever – to be in contact with your Minnesota state representative and senator! It is in relationship with their constituents that our legislators know what we care about, and why.
Letters can be written during a special time in worship, before or after a meal, as part of a forum or in small groups. It is effective to collect the letters as an offering to God, and to pray that legislators will be moved by them. Remember that we do this as part of our faith, acting as God’s advocacy ambassadors for love of neighbor and creation. Notecards, rather than big impersonal pieces of paper, help make the letters/notes feel more personal to the legislator, and assist in the relationship-building process. Download the PDF or Word document, and print each issue page back-to-back with the corresponding sample letter page. Or, send the pages out in advance and encourage people to bring their letters to your next meeting or gathering to dedicate and send them jointly.
Fact Sheet & Supporters of E-Waste Bills
Sacred Settlements: Sacred Settlements (or Sacred Tiny Home Communities) are holistic tiny home communities developed in cooperation with faith communities. They are an innovative, research-based way to address the needs of those experiencing long-term homelessness. Learn more about Sacred Settlements and ways your congregation can become engaged at various levels.
Sacred Tiny Home Communities Resolution: Consider passing this resolution at your church, conference assembly and/or synod assembly.
Lutheran Lenten Letter Challenge (2023): We're on to the 2024 Letter Campaign (see above). However, if you would like see last year's issues, you can check out the previous campaign here.
Federal Action Alerts
For more information about federal advocacy, visit the ELCA Advocacy Action Center website here